Hawaii szállodák: 2021. márciusi számok jóval alacsonyabbak 2020 első három hónapjához képest

Maui County hotels reported better performance compared to last year and led the counties in March RevPAR of $228 (+18.7%), with ADR rising to $466 (+10.9%) and occupancy of 49.0 percent (+3.2 percentage points). Maui County’s March supply was 392,800 room nights (-0.3%). Maui’s luxury resort region of Wailea had RevPAR of $362 (+26.0%), with ADR at $802 (+27.2%) and occupancy of 45.2 percent (-0.5 percentage points). The Lahaina/Kaanapali/Kapalua region had RevPAR of $180 (+7.1%), ADR at $379 (+3.2%) and occupancy of 47.4 percent (+1.7 percentage points).

Hotels on the island of Hawaii also reported RevPAR growth to $157 (+26.7%), with ADR at $317 (+17.6%) and occupancy of 49.6 percent (+3.5 percentage points). The island of Hawaii’s March supply was 202,600 room nights (-2.2%). Kohala Coast hotels earned RevPAR of $262 (+46.2%), with ADR at $476 (+16.0%) and occupancy of 55.1 percent (+11.4 percentage points).

Oahu hotels continued to lag with RevPAR of $74 (-20.1%) in March, ADR at $184 (-16.1%) and occupancy of 40.4 percent (-2.0 percentage points). Oahu’s March supply was 870,100 room nights (-8.3%). Waikiki hotels earned $68 (-23.2%) in RevPAR with ADR at $173 (-19.5%) and occupancy of 39.4 percent (-1.9 percentage points).

Kauai hotels earned RevPAR of $62 (-53.3%), with ADR at $200 (-31.7%) and occupancy of 30.9 percent (-14.3 percentage points). Kauai’s March supply was 100,600 room nights (-22.9%).

2021. első negyedév

Through the first three months of 2021, Hawaii hotel performance statewide continued to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hawaii hotels earned $87 in RevPAR (-59.5%), which is less than half of the $215 RevPAR reported for the same period in 2020. ADR decreased to $269 (-12.0%) and occupancy declined to 32.4 percent (-38.0 percentage points).


  • Hotels on the island of Hawaii also reported RevPAR growth to $157 (+26.
  • Through the first three months of 2021, Hawaii hotel performance statewide continued to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Maui's luxury resort region of Wailea had RevPAR of $362 (+26.


A szerzőről

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson volt a feladatszerkesztő eTurboNews több mint 20 éve. Honoluluban, Hawaiiban él, és eredetileg Európából származik. Szívesen ír és tudósít a hírekről.
